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SLA Insight


The PTO is the single entity being responsible for monitoring interfaces and equipment on board their own vehicles. The APIs below should only be viewed as a supplement, and not a replacement of any monitoring solutions by the PTO.

To provide some insights into what Ruter AS observes from our part, we have decided to share some insights into our continuous monitoring systems. By observing these data, the PTOs have an additional tool to help them identify and resolve issues that may disrupt the customer experience on board their vehicle.


Display status V1

Functional description

This application has been made to assist operators in identifying issues with their equipment. The original data source used here is the same as the one used by Ruter to calculate SLA for DPI displays. However, this API is not intended for calculating SLA breaches.

The application reports any change to display statuses as retained messages on MQTT. This way the last know status of the vehicle is available to the operator at any time.


Based on data sent to the vehicle and DPI diagnostic messages received from the vehicle, the following things are checked:

  • Are any displays running?
  • Are the right number of displays running for the bus type?
  • Are the displays running the right version of the DPI application?
  • Are the displays showing the current route?
  • Do the screens have client-side storage in browser?
  • Is the screen resolution matched to the right display type?

These are determined in the ComplianceCalculator class. It will evaluate all of these and produce the following compliance values:

  • OK - all tests have passed
  • FAIL - one or more test has failed
  • NOT_IN_SERVICE - the bus is on a dead run, so no compliance is required.
  • UNKNOWN - we don't know what journey the bus should be on so cannot evaluate compliance

FAIL is the only value that implies SLA non-compliance.

Along with the overall Compliance value, a list of zero or more ComplianceFault values to explain the result. In addition, metadata is recorded so that the correctness of the Compliance value can be understood. This includes information about the current journey/route, counts of known and seen displays, and a list of displays from which we received heartbeats.

Technical description

Payload fields
Field Type Description
eventTimestamp string. ISO-8601 format / UTC, the evaluation time
Compliance enumeration OK / FAIL / UNKNOWN / NOT_IN_SERVICE
ComplianceFaults array of string List of faults, if any are detected, regardless of overall compliance. See list of possible strings in a later section
JourneyStatus enumeration ON_SERVICE_JOURNEY / ON_DEAD_RUN / UNKNOWN. LatestJourneyId is evaluate to determine this value.
TotalDisplayCount integer count of all client IDs that have been recorded since state has been recorded. (State will be reset after 4 hours of inactivity.)
ExpectedDisplayCount integer number of expected client IDs / displays for this vehicle. If incorrect, please contact:
LiveDisplayCount integer count of displays sending heartbeat at evaluation time. These will be listed in the following item.
Displays array of Display list of all displays sending heartbeat at evaluation time. See next section for definition of Display.
Field Type Description
ClientId string UUID generated and persisted on CPU unit running display
DisplayId string Current configuration of display
RouteId string / null Route id reported by display. Found in local mqtt topic: pe/dpi/journey, field: /route/id
DPIVersion string DPI version reported by display
MediaVersion string / null Media package version reported by display
Specific Fault Messages
Code Description
DATA_OUT_OF_SYNC all displays have incorrect route
DATA_PARTLY_IN_SYNC some displays have incorrect route
DISPLAYS_MISSING expect n live, found n < expected, but n > 0
TOO_MANY_DISPLAYS expect n live, found n> expected
NO_PERSISTENCE_FEATURE when some displays missing, assume no persistence
VERSION_NOT_UPGRADED all displays are out of date
VERSION_INCOMPLETE_UPGRADE some displays are out of date
NO_MESSAGES_FROM_BUS no MQTT messages were received (including position)
MISCONFIGURED_DISPLAYS all displays are misconfigured
PARTLY_MISCONFIGURED_DISPLAYS some displays are misconfigured


Topic structure
Example 1 - vehicle OK
  "eventTimestamp": "2022-01-24T15:46:00Z",
  "compliance": "OK",
  "complianceFaults": [],
  "journeyStatus": "ON_SERVICE_JOURNEY",
  "totalDisplayCount": 4,
  "expectedDisplayCount": 4,
  "liveDisplayCount": 4,
  "displays": [
      "clientId": "d1d8b91d3a137x4c567a5c",
      "displayId": "1",
      "routeId": "RUT:Route:110-58",
      "dpiVersion": "2022-01-17T12:17:31Z",
      "mediaVersion": "2021-12-27T09:41:00Z"
      "clientId": "f4d2205br6c8ai4d0eO910",
      "displayId": "2",
      "routeId": "RUT:Route:110-58",
      "dpiVersion": "2022-01-17T12:17:31Z",
      "mediaVersion": "2021-12-27T09:41:00Z"
      "clientId": "7cbc2125l5c12E43049a94",
      "displayId": "3",
      "routeId": "RUT:Route:110-58",
      "dpiVersion": "2022-01-17T12:17:31Z",
      "mediaVersion": "2021-12-27T09:41:00Z"
      "clientId": "9d2fc206ld7b8x42ebga04",
      "displayId": "4",
      "routeId": "RUT:Route:110-58",
      "dpiVersion": "2022-01-17T12:17:31Z",
      "mediaVersion": "2021-12-27T09:41:00Z"
Example 2 - vehicle FAIL
  "eventTimestamp": "2022-01-24T16:12:00Z",
  "compliance": "FAIL",
  "complianceFaults": [
  "journeyStatus": "ON_SERVICE_JOURNEY",
  "totalDisplayCount": 3,
  "expectedDisplayCount": 3,
  "liveDisplayCount": 0,
  "displays": []
Example 3 - on dead-run
  "eventTimestamp": "2022-01-24T16:02:00Z",
  "compliance": "NOT_IN_SERVICE",
  "complianceFaults": [
  "journeyStatus": "ON_DEAD_RUN",
  "totalDisplayCount": 4,
  "expectedDisplayCount": 4,
  "liveDisplayCount": 0,
  "displays": []