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Traffic plan export API

The API is used for syncing traffic plans between operators and Ruter. Operators can either use the exported traffic plans directly for sign-on or compare their own traffic plans against the exported plans in order to find differences that may lead to sign-on failing.

About the exports

The traffic plans are exported in NeTEx format. Each export-file contains plans related to one contract within a time period of 14 days. Each week new exports are generated and made available in the API. The exports have a version number to differentiate between exports for the same contract.


The consistency of plan data can be done as follows:

  1. Verify that the vehicle tasks are the same. Vehicle tasks are found in the export by combining Block elements with the same PrivateCode.

  2. Verify that the vehicle tasks contains the same journeys. A journey is identified by:

    • Trip id (Norwegian: turnummer). This is found in ServiceJourney > KeyValue with Key 'hastusIds' and a list of trip ids in Value. Each element in the list is a separate journey that is part of a separate vehicle task.
    • lineRef
    • direction
  3. Verify that the journeys are correct:

    • start time
    • end time
    • correct stop places in the correct order. (This is important to be able to sign on/off parts of journeys.)


API Documentation