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PTO and PTA responsibilities - DPI

Communication on board the vehicle

Operator responsibilities:

  • Make MQTT bridge available for each screen over Websockets
  • Listen and publish on local MQTT topics
  • NOTE: All data to be sent to Ruter Backoffice must be made available on MQTT (for example: AVL/GPS position)

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Send messages to the MQTT bridge for real-time information
  • Define and document the configuration of Websockets (the port)


Operator responsibilities:

  • Install, upgrade and monitor browser in each individual screen.
  • Set up the browser to display predefined screens that match the screen size, location and function
  • Ensure that when starting the screens that the correct screen is always displayed
  • Monitor that the browser displays a html page provided by Ruter.
  • Monitor that all browsers receive messages and acknowledge messages.
  • Monitor the browser for any errors in the console, and possibly reload the page if problems occur
  • Provide first-line support/troubleshooting should a problem arise

See also

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Updating the content on the screen using mqtt over websockets
  • Define and document the setup of the screens

Updating static content

Update static content

Operator responsibilities:

  • Download static content pack(s) from Ruter regularly
    • At least once a day
    • If it only happens once, then the download must take place after 16:00 each day, and be available in the vehicle until the following day
  • Validate that the package has been downloaded correctly (SHA hash verification)
  • Set aside 16GB of storage capacity in the vehicle for storing static files
    • Typically MP4, HTML, JS, images, mp3 etc.
    • NOTE: the entire capacity of 16GB must be able to be used for DPI content. That is when the contents are to be extracted, the ruter's zip file must be in a different area than the destination files.
  • Push out new content packs to the vehicles when they are in the depot and before they are in traffic the next day
    • NOTE: Only files that have changed since the previous version should be transferred to the vehicle. Changes must be diffused and synchronized, e.g. with a tool like rsync.
  • Updates will come on two channels:
    • Stage
      • planned changes come here first, and must be verified that they work on a test vehicle by the operator, before they are promoted to prod.
      • All errors discovered must be reported to Ruter's bug tracking system.
    • Prod
      • Planned changes come here after being verified on stage.
      • In cases where there are errors in production, updates can come here without having gone through stage verification.

See also

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Define and document the format and use of the configuration message
  • Provide endpoints that specify the URLs and SHA hash signatures of the content packages
  • Make content packs available for download

Update of MQTT configuration

MQTT bridge update

Operator responsibilities:

  • Download configuration updates from Ruter regularly
    • This must happen at the same time as the check of static content
  • Build up vehicle-specific configurations based on Ruter's configuration
    • Insert variable names where needed
    • Example : {operator}/ruter/{vehicle_id}/adt/v3/pe/dpi/journey translates to: alpha/ruter/990552/adt/v3/pe/dpi/journey
  • Push out new content packs to the vehicles when they are in the depot and before they are in traffic the next day
  • Updates will come on two channels:
    • Stage
      • planned changes come here first, and must be verified that they work on a in-house virtual vehicle by the operator, before they are promoted to prod.
      • All errors discovered must be reported to Ruter's bug tracking system.
    • Prod
      • Planned changes come here after being verified on stage.
      • In cases where there are errors in production, updates can arrive here without having been through stage verification.

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Define and document the format and use of the configuration message
  • Make configuration available to all MQTT topics on an endpoint
  • Make both Stage and Prod versions available

Playback of sound

Operator responsibilities:

  • Play audio received as base64-encoded OPUS or mp3 message over local MQTT topic
  • Play audio message referring to local audio file.
  • The message contains the expiryTimestamp. When receiving a message after expiry of the expiryTimestamp, the message must not be played
  • The message can contain several sound files in an array, in these cases they must be played in the order in which they are received in the array.
  • Processing of MQTT messages must be synchronous. That is a message must be processed and the audio message finished playing before a new message can be processed.

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Produce audio messages on the MQTT bridge
  • Define and document changes in the MQTT message for audio.

Clock synchronization

Operator responsibilities:

  • Ensure that all devices on board have synchronized clocks that follow NTP
    • Includes: Browsers / monitors and audio playback unit

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Only use the device's system clock where there is a need to know the time.

Mobile data usage

Operator responsibilities:

  • Always have mobile data activated
  • If the data package/quota is used up, the data traffic cannot be interrupted or throttled
  • Synchronization of static files to the vehicle must be done using a tool that supports incremental changes (i.e. only files that have changed should be transferred)
  • The browsers must have access to internet-based content. (eg. displaying map in relation with a deviation)

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Limit the scope of static and dynamic content updates
  • Preferably use local content on board the bus in cases where it is practically possible
  • Use caching in the browser to limit data usage on the internet

General information about reporting errors

Operator responsibilities:

  • If errors are detected in the DPI solution, the operator should report errors to Ruter's bugtracking system
  • Errors that are reported must contain as much technical information as possible to reproduce the error. For example:
    • stack traces
    • screenshots
    • place
    • time
    • journey
    • vehicleid
  • The operator must make technical personnel available when troubleshooting/debugging is required

Ruters responsibilities:

  • Answer and investigate error messages that are reported