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Resources Manifest

The resources manifest is means of describing which resources Ruter is sharing with operators. Initially, the list will contain an audio file intended to be played when a stop is requested on board the vehicle. It allows us to change the sound over time and ensure a uniform aural experience for passengers.

This manifest should be used in a similar way as with the packages and mqtt manifests. The manifest should be checked at least once a day, after 16:00, and if there is a new version of a resources, download and start using it. The intention is similar to the DPI application and MQTT: they should be in use by the next day.


The manifest will be available at the following URLs:

Environment URL

Resources Provided

This list will be updated over time, as new resources are included. The Name in the table below corresponds to the name in the resource item in the JSON, which is illustrated in an example later on, and in the field documentation for the Resource type.

Name Type Description Formats
stopRequestedSound audio the sound that should be played when a passenger presses the stop button either mp3 or opus files


An example of the contents of the maifest looks like:

  "timestamp": "2020-10-28T20:41:23Z",
  "environment": "prod",
  "resources": [ 
      "name": "stopRequestedSound",
      "type": "audio",
      "contentType": "audio/mpeg",
      "url" : "",
      "sha256" : "f11de09c99b36f6097355c560d219716fc66857475f248b5196382830d5ba06a",
      "version" : "2020-10-28T19:37:00Z",
      "description": "bell3_stereo_256"



Name Values Description
timestamp ISO date/time stamp Time the new manifest is released
environment test/stage/prod Which environment the manifest applies to
resources list of type Resource a collection of one or more resources that Ruter shares


Name Values Description
name string names that Ruter defines, only "stopRequestedSound" is currently defined
type string types that Ruter supports, only "audio" is currently defined
contentType MIME type a MIME type that corresponds to the type of the resource that is shared
url URL the location of where the resource can be fetched, the file name has a time stamp part that corresponds to its version
sha256 string A SHA 256 hash of the resource, which can be used to verify the validity of the downloaded file
version string a version date in ISO date/time format
description string description of the content of the resource, e.g. the original file name of the resource; the field is optional

Schema and Example

A schema is available at:

A corresponding example is provided here: